A Parcela no.3/2/1189. Parc. Massaca, Boane, Maputo

Call us: +258 87 721 0200

About Antheia Roses

We collaborate with florists who are always ready to create for you.

We specialize in all areas of Floriculture

Antheia Roses is committed to providing highest grade roses and hybrids and other flowers locally grown via permaculture farming all year round for your loved ones and for any special occasions. We pride ourselves by working with close ties to world’s best and largest rose farmers at Ludwig Roses. They have adequately trained our staff with innovative ideas like cultivating using the permaculture farming technique and preservation of the flowers.

PERMACULTURE FARMING – A set of design principles centered on the whole system –  simulating or directly utilizing the patterns and resilient features observed in  natural ecosystems” .

We are bringing solution to our people in Mozambique who would otherwise import flowers at high cost by locally producing in our country and thereby creating jobs and empowering especially women. Our aim is to create an ecologically sound and economically viable farming that will minimize wastage and not pollute the environment as such remain sustainable on the long run. If you are looking for the most luxurious assortment of roses and other flowers, you are in the right place.

We are located in Boane-Maputo, Mozambique on a 3 acres farmland with proximity to a dam as our source for irrigation . Our process starts with prepping the land by building small mounds (bedding), flood irrigation once a week which is what nature wants to do. Plant variety of flowers not just roses, but also sunflowers, Iris, gladiola, greenery and so on .


Antheia(Ancient Greek: Ἀνθεία) was one of the Charites, or Graces, of Greek mythology and was the goddess of flowers and flowery wreaths. She was depicted in Athenian vase painting as one of the attendants of Aphrodite. Her name Antheia is derived from the Ancient Greek word ἄνθος means “flower” or “blossom”.

Take a look at our services


What’s a proposal without the most luscious bouquet of flowers? It won’t be complete. At Antheia, you can get the best collection of flowers for your beautiful arrangements as well as flower petals to set the stage for a memorable proposal.

Birthdays Celebrations

Most common nowadays are ceiling to floor floral walls or floral backdrops for birthdays. Also cakes and cake table are adorned with fresh flowers . Antheia Roses can provide you with the perfect selection of flowers to create such ambience .Bakers also can shop from our collection of luxurious flowers to complete their designs and making the celebrants dream come true .


Valentines Day

Valentines day isn’t complete without flowers. Get the best flowers for the most important person in your life and you will have no regrets. A bouquet or two would seal the day. A special person deserves a special bouquet.